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You searched for all products made by Briggs Racing priced from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00

From the start, Briggs & Stratton has been committed to our consumers, no matter what their needs, and in racing that commitment is just as strong. The Briggs & Stratton Racing Division was formed in 1991 in order to cater to the needs of this specialized market. Briggs & Stratton's products, the venues in which they are used, and the engineering involved in designing and testing our engines are all unique to their environment. Nothing proves performance, durability, and quality  better than to have it thrive in one of today's harshest environments, racing. "Racing improves the breed" and the DNA of our racing program can be seen in every Briggs & Stratton engine we build.

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Displaying products 1 - 1 of 1 results
Briggs World Formula Racing Engine
Item No: 124335-8105-01
Reference: $1,149.00
Header and Premium Clutch included, World Formula is designed in. accordance with the CIK World Formula class rules. Estimated 15 HP, Jr. World Formula class ages 12 - 15, Sr. World Formula class ages 15 & up
View Briggs World Formula Racing Engine